Ana, These are on the dashboard as actual checklists – so if you can log in you can check them off… If its gonna be more complicated than that – send an email referencing the number. Sound good?@ 🙂
(If its got a line through it – its done)
Clay’s to do list
Set up Contact form to have Thank you emailAdd Testimonials to front pageAdd staff and pages to portfolio and put on front page- List of free stock sites
Set up Contact Form Thank You page- Determine gmail account to config Google Products
- Hide login with wps_hide_login
- Set up contact form to have recaptcha
- Set up login to have reCaptcha check
- Google analytics setup
- Google webmaster tools setup
- Confirm Google my business info
Add Privacy Policy- Add Cookie/GDPR plugin
- Plan for securing site with cloudflare
Ana’s To Do List
- Set date for site to go live
- Set up or define a gmail address to manage Google services, Webmaster tools, reCaptcha, Google my business, etc… Something like
- Edit Contact Form Thank You Page –
- Rewrite “Thank You” email text – the text can be found and edited under Contact > Contact Forms > Basic Contact Forms on the sidebar
- Finish Case Studies ASAP – Go to the front page of the site and click the images – the group of 6 in the middle – there are case studies for only 3 of them
- SIDEBAR – ask folks what they think should be in the sidebar, call to action, on every page…
- Clarify Where site will be hosted? Me or elsewhere? And if elsewhere – then where? We need to make its able to support wordpress.
- Check that its ok the domain and site are moved from top producer and get budget for hosting approved
- Check if its ok that contact form is not hosted on top producer – contact form 7 can send email to any address though…
- Choose at least 1 photo each for case study
Write your personal bio asapStaff photos and bios- Review Privacy Policy –